Tuesday, August 10, 2004

John Kerry vs. George W. Bush or Wuss vs. Bigger Wuss!!

Politics! Ah! Don’t you love that warm fuzzy, feeling it brings you!!
So in this presidential election we are very concerned with security and somehow we connect service in the military to success in the oval office. Never mind you that most decisions are made by a carefully selected advisory group that really has more to do with political science and different groups of though within it, than with military service!!
Alright fine so we connect military service to the commander in chief. But how in the world does a guy who never served in a war and whose only claim to legitimacy in politics was his dad, turn around and say stuff about a man who actually went to a war. A war that no soldier would ever want to be in.
Not like John Kerry didn't play up his war time record. Oh he did! Never mind that his only claim into politics, oh not so long ago was simply his denouncing the war and his participation in it. Come on! I could respect it if he said that the war taught him about the danger of getting involved in complex wars! That his whole Vietnam experience was in fact exactly what a leader of the US would need to keep us out of such wars!! Ok he might have even said that but then why play up his big woohooo! War record!!??
I know, I know...Votes in Ohio, Michigan etc!! Ah people like me!!

Oh yeah lets not forget the swift boat commanders!! Oh those idiots!! According to them the only way to to claim that you have been a hero is to be like Mr. Rambo and defeat the Viet Cong all by yourself. And don't fool yourself...yeah like they didn't have anybody paying for their ad that also did not belong to the Republican National Commite or at least had strong ties to them!

Neither side has any legitimacy especially not Bush who got a privileged life due to his dad!! I don't vote for Kerry because he is a truthful, trustworthy candidate...I vote for him because he might be sort of, kind of better than Bush!! At least no more declaring wars on so called weapons of mass destruction that never materialize...or creating more hatred against Americans than ever before!!
On the other hand why the heck don't democrats have a sound foreign policy mandate!! What do they believe in?? John Kerry wants you to believe that it is too complicated for him to explain and for you to understand!! Well maybe so but he could try!! However I have seen what Bush has done and I don't like his work!! So I will give this guy a try!! I think that might be the only reason that "JFK" might win.